Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Loran Award!

Check out the link for  some big scholarship money!

Also, check out

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome Back, GRAD CLASS 2012!!!

It will be a busy year for you, as you panic about next year's plans, scholarships, and just getting through THIS year!! If you need anything...ANYTHING...pop by my Guidance office anytime. If you can't find me there, I may be down in the Resource Room, so check in there as well.
Over the next couple of weeks, I plan on meeting with each of you to go over grad requirements, and courses you might need for Post Secondary applications.
WHEN can I start applying? yes, I have heard this already!!
NBCC wants applications in by NOVEMBER 1st. Many colleges want them early. Universities will be looking late January, after first term marks are posted. I would suggest college people start asking for a transcript LATE SEPTEMBER...once Janice has time to get your courses listed on transcripts.