Monday, September 28, 2009


ANNUAL FALL GRAD BAKE SALE: Saturday, October 17 --We need parental help! Thanks
Students to call during week of October 13. Will begin picking up between 10 and 11 on Saturday morning. Will need help pricing. Will open doors to sell at 1 p.m.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CHEESE CAMPAIGN: November 2 - 20. Orders submittted and cheese should arrive early December for delivery.


It is imperative that you begin/continue working on your portfolios. Most grad prizes and scholarships require the submission of a portfolio--this is time consuming, so don't wait until the end of the year and try to throw something together.

Ms. Cogswell has agreed to work with students on this, so see her for help and more information.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NBCC Applications

Please note that applications to attend New Brunswick Community College are on a first-qualified - first accepted basis (applications will be considered as they are received as long as they meet or in the process of meeting admission requirements), so students should make an effort to get applications in asap. The selection process starts as of November 1.

This year's calendars have arrived and are available in the guidance office. Information is also available on-line at

See Mrs. J Brown for more info.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Our first grad/parent meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 28 at 7 p.m. in room 17. We will be discussing fund raising, applications, scholarships, etc. Come with any questions you have and we will try to answer them or find the answers for you. Hope to see you there!


President: Brynn Harvey
Vice President: Cass Brown
Secretary Treasurer: Violet Sturgeon
Safe Grad Committee Chairperson: Kelly Cameron
Prom Committee Chairperson: Rachel Dexter



GRADUATION DATE: Wednesday, June 23

Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21st, 2009

Grade 12,
I shall have many university and college calendars in my room, Room 48, as well as applications for scholarships.
Please Note: Deadline for Merit Scholarships is fast approaching. Google Merit There are provincial as well as national categories in this scholarship.
Please Note: A & E Channel is offering $2000 and $3000 awards for an essay (300 words) on
Lives that made a difference in 2009. Deadline December 15, 2009.
Please Note: Deadline for University of Guelph Scholarships ($32,000) Janyary 13th.
Please Note: Interested in Harvard? Scholarships for Free tuition, Room and Board are available if your parents make under $100,000 US. See Mr. Griffin or Dr. Marc Shell.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

WELCOME BACK Class of 2010!!

Although I am not going to be at school first semester, I wanted to let you know I will still be available to answer questions, especially regarding scholarships and college applications.
Just email me!
Mrs. J. Brown will be around to answer questions as well, from the Guidance office. Have a great year!