Tuesday, December 16, 2008


for college programs are being sent out now...if you need one sent, check in with me.
University programs will be looking for transcripts in early February, after your first term makrs become available.

CHEESE Orders!

Cheese is in!!
Get your orders delivered ASAP...$$ Is due, Wednesday December 17th.

SEED Applications

Are now available in the Guidance Office....
SEED applications are needed for any summer jobs that have government funding involved...ex. Museum, Anchorage, GMCS Library, Tourism, etc.
Come by today and pick one up!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


EXAM WEEK: June 8 - 12, 2009
GRAD PICNIC: Friday, June 12--Organized and planned by parents/grads
BACCALAUREATE SERVICE: Sunday, June 14 @ 2:30
PROM: Monday, June 15
Grand March @ 9 p.m.
GRADUATION: Wednesday, June 17 @ 12 noon

Annual Cheese Fund Raiser

Grads are now selling cheese to raise money for their graduation activities.Orders are due by Wednesday, November 19 and cheese will be delivered in early December.Gift baskets available for Christmas gifts.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Scholarship Updates!

LORAN Scholarship Applications due Oct. 16th (average of 85%++, plus Volunteer Work)TD CANADA TRUST applications due Oct. 30th (Good marks, volunteer work)See Mrs. Brown for forms and help! You fill in a chunk of these, and I fill in a chunk with the school information. Don't wait until the last minute!!


Kirstin needs your help!~GRAD RECIPE BOOK: Please bring in your favorite recipes ASAP!~PUMPKIN SALES: Saturday, 1pm at GMCS. Volunteers are needed to sell pumpkins~PUMPKIN ORDERS: for mid-October delivery; get your order sheets in ASAP